ComingNextDoor Blog

Connecting businesses with communities!

How to successfully promote your new business in three truly essential steps

Are you coming soon to a community?  Have just opened a new business? Are you a start up that is relatively new in any area?  Are you opening a new branch of an already established business? Remember that branch is also a new business in a new community! You need to engage your new community, attract new customers, and simply promote your new business in a cost effective manner.

This means using effective tools and putting your resources where you are certain your efforts will help grow your new business (results based promotion). In this article, we highlight three essential ways to successfully promote your new business, branch, or start-up, in order to jump start your growth process either for free (yes!) or with minimal costs! You will also learn about making an online grand opening announcement or a coming soon announcement (both of which are great ways to promote your new business and boost initial community engagement).

Just to reiterate, you are hopefully reading this article because you already know that promoting your new business is the key to its survival. If you read right through to the end, we will help you understand how to promote your new business using three simple and really essential steps! But first, just a few words about our platform.

The ComingNextDoor model was conceived with the promotion of NEW businesses in mind. Basically put, ComingNextDoor is a One Stop Shop for tools needed to market new business launches. We provide great resources that help new businesses and startups meet their promotional or marketing goals. The ComingNextDoor team helps you see all the wonderful things ComingNextDoor is able to do for the growth of your new business. Different businesses have different needs. So is there any single solution that can really serve to promote a wide range of new businesses or startups satisfactorily? Yes! It is our goal to make that possible at ComingNextDoor! ComingNextDoor provides great ways of using online tools to grow your new business or new branch! Read more about the free business promotion resources on

Back to point of this blog post and our goal to promote your new business!...

To achieve our goal of helping you successfully promote your new venture within your community, we have developed a really customizable solution to creating promotions - simple, straight forward, and guaranteed to help grow your business engagement in your new community

Just follow the three simple steps below and effectively start to promote your new business, start-up, or new branch opening.

1. List your new business, coming soon business, or new branch opening and be seen by residents.

The first step and objective in the process of promoting your new business is basically getting seen where it matters. You need to first and foremost list your new business where customers are likely to be more interested in NEW businesses.

  • When you list your new business on the ComingNextDoor platform, you can be found by thousands of new customers interested in new businesses that are opening or coming soon to their community.That is a promise we make to residents - "to help them learn about new exciting resources coming to their areas"; so it is therefore our priority to help your new business stand out in front of residents (consumers on ComingNextDoor).
  • We provide tools for residents to search for businesses by how new they are!
  • The more attractive and professional your listing is, the more chances you have of making our front page "Business of the Week" spot or our "Featured New Businesses". For Free!!
  • You also have the option to list your business as already opened, or coming soon! (also read our blog post on why it is important to list your new business on

2. Create a promotion and actually measure how engaged your community is!

Using the ComingNextDoor promotion creation tool, you can create different free promotions to boost community engagement. You can make a coming soon announcement, grand opening announcement, or a simple promotion inviting the community to checkout your new business.

  • You can create a great promotion page that even allows you to sell your promotional items with built-in payment processing, reporting, and support from ComingNextDoor! This means that a customer can buy any promotional item you are selling right here on How great is that! You save a lot of money because you no longer need to set up expensive promotional sales systems on your own website. You can use ComingNextDoor each time you launch a new promotion. 
  • You can specify the start date and end date of for example a grand opening promotion for a new restaurant in advance. Or create an automated promotional sale that lasts just a few hours!

Customizing your promotion (or grand opening announcement):

The level of customization you can achieve while creating a promotion for any new business on the ComingNextDoor platform is amazing. Using our promotion creation tools, you are able to create a lot of awareness, generate interest around your new business, and really engage your customers. You can for example even collect specific information about your customer's preferences, such as favorite pizza flavor, if you are creating and opening promotion for a new pizza restaurant.

This is why is the go to platform for creating the ideal grand opening announcement. You can set up promotional sales packages for your grand opening announcement page and sell them using our built-in payment system integrated into your grand opening announcement page!

  • You can encourage community engagement by offering something for free and getting customers to reserve their free gift right here on our platform. By monitoring the number of reservations, you can better forecast interest levels and thus make better forecasts on stock items for your grand opening.
  • You will be able to improve your promotional  sales by adding images of your new business, and even add other media types to make your promotional page more attractive, and more importantly display great images of any particular items or packages you may be promoting.

Again (this is important), you are able to customize your promotion to collect as much information from interested potential customers as needed. Say you just opened a new pizza restaurant in Boston, or a new Beauty Salon in Washington DC. To get potential new customers excited in you new community, you launch a promotion to sell particular meals or particular facial treatments at outrageously low prices. This would definitely attract the interest of residents. Here comes the great part: As already mentioned above, you can launch that promotion and sell those promotional items on the ComingNextDoor platform! What more, when your community or network reserves your promotional items on our platform, you can now be able to collect automated data of exactly who has bought your promotional items before hand, will even know beforehand what flavor of pizza your customers prefer, and you are prepared for them by the time they arrive! You are thus able to tell exactly how many people are coming for any particular promotional meal in your restaurant, or any specific facial treatment in your beauty salon! Amazing for your inventory forecasts and management!

  • You can update your promotion page (or coming soon or grand opening announcement) at all times with more information to get customers excited. 
  • With our Google Maps Integration, residents are able to see your promotion (or grand opening) location and navigate directly. Users can view the actual distance of your grand opening location from their current location through Google Maps without having to open another application

To recap before going forward, the first step we recommend towards promoting your new business online is to list your new business. Thereafter, go ahead and create an attractive promotion (this could be your grand opening announcement, coming soon announcement, or other opening promotion for your new business). Now your are ready for step three.

3. Share your promotion (or grand opening announcement) on various social networks with our built-in social sharing tools. 

This is the easiest of the three basic steps to help you promote your new business, but there is more to it than meets the eye. Of course you already know that sharing any new business promotion (or grand opening announcement in our example above) helps increase awareness. Of course the ComingNextDoor team works everyday to bring more traffic to, which means more views for your promotion. But really why do we say sharing is also an essential step after creating your promotion?

  • Sharing helps improve your market reach within your network and also helps increase your brand awareness! Your network connections on various social platforms already know you. They are therefore more likely to re-share your shares, or re-tweet your tweets, thereby opening business possibilities with completely new customers.
  • Sharing improves Search Engine Visibility

    • Search engines like Google store lots of data about the number of links to pages with information about your business. The more shares you have on various social platforms, the more links you have to pages or websites about you, and the more statistics search engines are able to gather to help make your business more visible when people search the web for services related to your business.

With our extensive inbuilt sharing options, we also make it easy for all residents to share your promotions within their own networks, thus helping to promote your business even further. That said, continue to encourage your team members and your network to share your promotion (in this case, your grand opening announcement) with their social connections!

Summary: How to promote your new business in three simple steps

1. List your new business, coming soon business, or new branch opening on and be seen by residents.

2. Create a promotion (or grand opening announcement) on and actually measure how engaged your community is!

3. Share your promotion (or grand opening announcement) on various social networks with our buit-in social sharing tools.

The benefits are amazing. Start growing your business now. Create a promotion now!

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